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E-light is a high-intelligent and non-ablative technology that simultaneously harnesses the power of radio frequency (RF) and optical energy (IPL). Ultra optical energy causes the skin to initiate a natural healing process that rebuilds new collagen and removes broken capillaries and pigmented lesions.
  • 去除雀斑和老人斑
  • 淡化暗瘡印
  • 減少微絲血管
  • 去除面上紅斑和酒糟鼻
  • 改善幼紋
  • 縮少毛孔
  • 均勻淨白肌膚
E-light can improve
  • Freckles and Age spots
  • Acne marks
  • Facial capillaries
  • Facial redness (including Rosacea)
  • Fine wrinkles
  • Pore size
  • Skin complexion
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Circulation of breasts applied in breast beautifying to improve metabolism and blood circulation of breasts. promotes regrowth of the breast cells .
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射頻加熱技術發射能量至皮膚底層,刺激及促進骨膠原的增生,增強皮膚結構,能有效地緊緻肌膚,有助收復面部輪廓及改善膚質。治療後能立即恢復日常工作及活動。緊膚範圍包括面部、眼部、腹部及手部等。 只需要一次的治療,緊緻的感覺便會逐漸呈現,並在六個月內持續改善,令皮膚回復彈性,達到收緊的效果。視效果乎個別的皮膚狀況。

Radio Frequencys a treatment particularly suitable for those who want tighter skin without surgery. Radio Frequencys procedures can help smooth, tighten and contour your skin for an overall younger looking appearance in a single treatment without surgery or injections. Radio Frequencys which has improved heati A single treatment tightens your existing collagen and stimulates new collagen growth. Improvements are both immediately visible and continue up to one month. Radio Frequencys can treat sagging skin on the face, tummy and around the eyes.
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无针美塑疗法是中胚层疗法的一种,通过破壁技术将面部打开大量的电穿孔,刺激细胞膜上的水通道蛋白来打开入口,利用电穿孔和电渗透的原理,无创无痛地把活性成分或营养成分直接导入到皮下组织(属于中胚层),其独有的“点到面”超微渗透技术,可多点、均匀、全面、定位、定层、定量地把高能量原生液,直接输送到急需营养补充的皮下深层组织中,让含有多种营养及活性成分的高能量原生液,迅速被皮肤组织吸收,进而促进皮肤新陈代谢,而发挥美容功效的美容疗法。 无针美塑的效果



Needle-free Mesotherapy

Work Theory
It uses Electroporation and Electroosmosis techniques, (needle-free mesotherapy or mesoderm or cell rupture) technique, transports skin wanted nutrition, so as to treat
all kinds of skin problems. With the application of Electrophoresis energy to the beauty industry, It takes ‘point to point’ infiltration techniques, by orientation, layer-oriented and ration to transport high-energy nutrition serum directly into the skin tissue, let it quickly being absorbed and effective, promote skin metabolism, keep skin elastic and fine.

skin whitening: Open cells channel woundless, obsorb nutrition, participate in cells metabolism, promote cells rebirth. wrinkle removal:The electrode nutrition is directly penetrated the deep-seated skin, start cells rebirth, remove wrinkles of deep skin layer. Moisten : Inject the water feeding active distillate into the deep-seated skin, supply enough water to the cells, prevent the series of skin problems caused by short of water.
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Improve the regenesis of collagen and elastic fibers protein in corticose which can be used to tighten the skin.
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LED Red Light
Main Effect : Whitening, remove wrinkles, repair damaged skin, reduce pores, improve the proliferation of collagen.


LED Blue Light
Main Effect : Calm the skin, reduce acne produce accelerated healing of acne.


LED Green Light
The main effect : Calm, balance skin tone., tighten up the skin.

主要功效:藍、綠、紅、白 光閃爍,速進皮膚對精華素的進一步滲透。LED閃爍和關閉氣功最有效的功能令下面的皮膚表皮到真皮,以達到最大效果。

LED light full flash
Main effects : When blue, green, red, white flashes, collagen further infiltration into the skin. LED flashes on and off, providing the most effective functions from skin epiderm to the dermis in order to achieve best result.

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人体内毒素長期堆積及类似乳酸阻塞,在表皮下形成的筋結、,是造成皮肤粗糙、暗啞、无光澤的原因。 臉部松筋療法的特色是循筋脉路径直接作用于深層筋膜處松开筋結,使整条經絡气血运行順暢,打散筋結,使气血运行順暢,筋膜組織恢复正常功能。 實践證驗,面部松筋術通過打通經絡堵塞,疏通气、血、筋節,對面部有斑、晦暗、无光澤,眼部細紋、黑眼圈、眼袋,法令紋、川字紋、抬頭紋等症状有独特的調养效果。同時可促進血液循環,加速皮肤新陳代謝。 配合淋巴排毒手法,改善組織吸收營養养的能力,增加淋巴循環,打散淤滞于面部、眼部的筋結、气結并補充氧气养份,使细胞、纤维正常运作。排毒去水肿,能达到瘦脸去黄,去黑眼圈眼袋,美容养生的功效。

Face Circulation Treatment
circulation treatment through the opening of main and collateral channels blocked, and ventilation, blood, muscles and joints, there are spots, dull, without gloss on the face, eye fine lines, dark circles, bags under the eyes, fine lines, wrinkles and other signs of plain word grain, has a unique treatment effects. At the same time, can promote blood circulation, accelerate skin the new supersedes the old. With the lymphatic drainage technique, improving the organization's ability to absorb nutrients, increase lymph circulation, scattered stasis in the face, the eye of the tendons node, gas and oxygen supplementation of nutrients, so that normal operation, fiber cell. Detoxification to edema, can achieve a face-lift to yellow, to the black eye bags under the eyes, beauty health effects. to treat undesirable pigment and blood vessels. It can also stimulate the production of collagen and new skin cells. The result is a more even-coloured skin tone
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E光永久脫毛是利用指定的光波永久地防止毛囊生長,通過毛囊的黑色素傳送指 定的光波令毛髮失去生長能力,而不會傷害毛囊周圍的皮膚組織。E光設有冷凍系統,保持皮膚在最佳冷凍溫度,能大大舒緩脫毛時的不適感和痛楚,減低出現敏感和灼傷的情況,令治療更安全有效。

Laser Hair Removal employs a specific wavelength of light to permanently destroy hair follicles to stop hair growth without damaging the surrounding skin tissue. E-LIGHT adopts the latest hair removal technology that is equipped with forced air cooling while treating the area. It helps to minimize any discomfort during the treatment. reduces any chances of irritation or burning.

Laser Hair Removal is a very simple procedure. It usually requires 6-8 treatments spaced 4-6 weeks apart in order to achieve the best .
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柔膚鐳射激光瞬間發射更高能量高效擊碎病變組織里的色基,即光致爆破原理:激光積聚的更高能量瞬間發射,1064&532nm激光在极短時間内(脉冲寬度僅6-8ns)瞬間到达病變組織,,相應色基團吸收光能受熱极速膨漲瞬間爆破碎裂,一部分 (表皮)色基團在表皮代謝,一部分(表皮以下組織内)色基碎裂成可以被巨噬細胞吞噬的細小顆粒,被巨噬細胞消化后,最總通過淋巴循環排出体外,病變組織的色基将逐漸减少直至消失。

YAG laser radiates the light of specific wavelength in high peak energy pulse, and in ultra-short nanosecond the light penetrates the tissue and is absorbed by the pigment and result in an instantaneous blast. The pigment particles are shattered into fragments, parts of them wil be bounced out of the skin and the other parts will be split into tiny particles that can be engulfed by phagocytes and then eliminated by lymphatic system.
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Yukai Beauty

服務 - 點擊圖片查看詳情 | Services - Click for Details
E-Light / E光美肤
Invisible Ninja
Circulation of Breasts / 豐胸
Invisible Ninja
Radio Frequency / 射頻
Invisible Ninja
Needle-free Mesotheorapy
The Pharaoh Charming
Invisible Ninja
LED Light
Invisible Ninja
Face Circulation Treatment
Invisible Ninja
Yag Laser Treatment
Invisible Ninja
Hair Removal

營業時間 (Business Hours) 聯繫方式&地址(Contact and Location)
MON - FRI: 11:30am ~ 7:30pm
SAT - SUN: 10am ~ 7pm
* Closed on Tuesdays
Telephone: 905-940-1881
Email: yukai@yukaibeauty.ca
1 Masseyfield Gate, Unit 2B, Markham, ON, L3R 3C7